Did you know that the cans are made of 100% aluminium, they will be recycled and reused as often as possible. They are lightweight for transport, which downgrades the CO2 exhaust. Anyways they are better than plastic, also because they keep the flavour fresh. Juzzy is produced and bottled in Germany. Philosophy The good taste of juzzy is of course decisive, which is why we are always open for new ideas. Currently we are working on new flavours! The future will be very exciting!
If you want to find out where you can buy Juzzy contact us on team@juzzy-energy.com!
Juzzy currently has two employees, who work in full- and parttime on the brand. For us it is important, that our ecological footprint is as small as possible. Which means less transports and merchandise made from recycled materials.
We are open, we love new ideas and are enjoying our life to the fullest. Our future plans are to sponsor social projects in India!
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Endlich ein Drink mit Stil und Geschmack