CANCELLATION INSTRUCTIONS for consumers under the terms of para. 13 BGB
The customer may revoke the contract of purchase without specifying reasons within one month. The cancellation has to be announced in writing, e.g. by letter, fax or email, or by returning the goods within one month. The time period begins no earlier than upon receiving this notification, however, not before the item is received by the recipient (in case of repeat shippings of similar items not before receipt of the first partial shipping) and also not before the seller has fulfilled his or her duties according to article 246 § 2 in connection with § 1 section 1 and 2 EGBGB as well as our duties according to para. 312e, section 1 sentence 1 BGB in connection with article 246 para. 3 EGBGB. It is not sufficient to only cancel the bank transfer made.
Please address the cancellation to:
Postal address:
Juzzy Getränke GmbH
Hauptstrasse 35
82327 Tutzing
In the case of an effective revocation, the mutually received benefits are to be returned and (if so) derived profits (e.g. interests) are to be returned. In case you are unable to reimburse us either in total or partially for services received, you are required to offer a compensation of equal value. In the case of retuning the goods this is not applicable when the deterioration of the goods is due exclusively to its testing—as it would have been possible for the purchaser in the shop. For the rest, you may avoid any duty to provide compensation for any deterioration of the goods caused by the intended use, by not using the goods as your own property and refraining from all actions that may affect their value. Goods consignable by parcel shipment may be returned at our risk. You must bear the expense of the return consignment if the goods delivered correspond to those ordered and if the price of the returnable goods does not exceed €40.00 or, if the price is higher, if you have not yet effected counterperformance or paid a contractually agreed instalment by the date of cancellation. Otherwise, the return is free of charge. Goods not suitable for delivery by parcel will be picked up. You must satisfy obligations to reimburse payments within 30 days after dispatch of your declaration of revocation. This period shall commence for you upon sending your cancellation notice, and for us upon receipt thereof.
End of the information about rights of revocation.
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